In announcing the 2022 Presidential Honorees, AIA Los Angeles named Wilshire Boulevard Temple’s Audrey Irmas Pavilion as the winner of the 2022 Building Team of the Year Award.

This is TheatreDNA's first Building Team of the Year Award from the AIA|LA and is proud to have worked alongside such brilliant collaborators. Congratulations to the entire design team!

"Recipients are recognized for their contributions to LA’s evolving landscape and reflect the goals of greater inclusivity, diversity, and equity, both within the profession and the built environment."

"The Audrey Irmas Pavilion is a striking new building in the Wilshire Boulevard Temple’s Glazer Family Campus, designed by OMA and completed in collaboration with Gruen Associates. Located in the heart of Koreatown and directly adjacent to the Temple’s beautifully restored, historic sanctuary, the AIP serves as a multi-purpose event space for both the congregation and the surrounding city. The pavilion forges physical and visual connections with the sanctuary and the school, and hosts a variety of gathering spaces inside and outside of the building, including a fully-occupiable landscaped roof, which highlights the AIP’s intimate relationship with the sanctuary and provides panoramic views of the LA basin."
Read AIA|LA's full press release here.